Module Eight – Clinical Record Keeping and GDPR

Module Eight – Clinical Record Keeping and GDPR

This module explains how to remain legally compliant when dealing with client records

Medical Record Forms

A designated MyFiller consent, medical history & treatment record form is available in digital format from Lipology

Download the form directly from the Lipology website

Say ‘Cheese”

It is a legal requirement to obtain written permission from clients before sharing or showing their pictures to anyone else

  • Always keep their personal details secure
  • Do not leave a diary containing client details open or in view of anyone else

Storing Client Records

Client data must be stored in accordance with GDPR regulations

•A locked filing cabinet for hard copies
•An appropriate recognized secure platform for digital copies
GDPR – Data Protection Act 2018

Familiarize yourself with the government regulations regarding data storage outlined in the the document attached to this module

A short exam will accompany this module so it is important to make sure you read through the regulations thoroughly

Link to GDPR Document below:



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